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Department of thoracic surgery

The Department specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of:

- benign and malignant neoplasms of the lung

- benign and malignant neoplasms of the pulmonary pleurae (mesothelioma)

- benign and malignant neoplasms of the mediastinum

- benign and malignant neoplasms of the esophagus

- secondary (metastatic) tumors of the lungs, the lymph nodes, the mediastinum and the chest wall as a result of a systemic oncological disease or malignant neoplasms of the intestine, kidneys, human musculoskeletal system, soft tissues, etc.

The Department of Thoracic Surgery of the Center performs various procedures and surgical interventions – from the simplest minimally invasive diagnostic procedures to the most complex extensive combined surgeries.

In difficult, neglected cases when several organs and systems have been affected or metastases have developed, the Department uses combination treatment which involves surgical therapy, radiation therapy, medical therapy and photodynamic therapy.

The Department uses patient-oriented approach, offers 24/7 advanced medical care to patients, and engages professional services of specialists from other departments of the Center and other cancer treatment centers.

The Department performs endoscopic minimally invasive surgeries aided by high-definition cameras, and cutting-edge tools and machines manufactured by world leading medical equipment manufacturers, which makes the Department on par with the world leading cancer treatment facilities specializing in the treatment of diseases of intrathoracic organs.

Treatment options

Lung cancer:

  • Combination treatment using various techniques of neoajuvant and adjuvant chemotherapy and radiation therapy, including synchronous multi-agent chemoradiation, followed by surgical therapy, if required
  • Extensive surgeries with mediastinal lymph node dissection
  • Combined surgeries involving excision of adjacent organs
  • Bronchoplasty and tracheoplasty
  • Video-assisted lung resection
  • Argon plasma recanalization in cases of tumors of the trachea and main bronchi in combination with photodynamic therapy, brachytherapy and chemoradiation, followed by surgical therapy, if necessary

Esophageal cancer:

  • Near-total resection (extirpation) of the esophagus with one-stage esophageal replacement using the stomach and three-field lymph node dissection
  • Combination of various techniques of neoadjuvant chemotherapy and chemoradiation, followed by surgical therapy with an option of subsequent adjuvant therapy
  • Argon plasma recanalization of the esophagus, followed by synchronous multi-agent chemoradiation (including brachytherapy)
  • Endoscopic esophageal stenting

Malignant pleuritis:

  • photodynamic therapy and argon plasma pleurodesis
  • Metastatic lesions of the lungs and mediastinum:
  • Video-assisted surgical procedures
  • Isolated chemoperfusion of the lung

Malignant tumors of the chest wall:

  • En bloc resection of the chest wall with alloplasty

Tumors of the head and neck:

  • Neoadjuvant gamma-ray teletherapy
  • Combination treatment - synchronous multi-agent chemoradiation followed by surgical therapy
  • Extensive operations with resection and reconstruction of organs

The Department has advanced experience of performing surgical procedures that combine straightforward tumor removal with physical and chemical anti-cancer interventions, allowing to reduce the risk of disease recurrence, prevent possible progression of a disease, prevent development of metastases or destroy already existing metastases. The Department provides such surgical treatments as isolated chemoperfusion of the lung and hypothermic chemoperfusion of the pleural cavity, using anti-cancer drugs in high concentrations, which allows to achieve the maximum positive effect at the point of application, without any adverse effects on healthy organs.

Both endoscopic and combined upfront surgeries may be accompanied with intraoperative photodynamic therapy, wherein before the surgery the patient receives agents that increase the sensitivity of the tumor cells to laser irradiation which acts on the tumor and surrounding organs and tissues.

The Department has advanced experience of endoscopic and minimally-invasive surgeries to treat esophageal disorders. The Department also uses combined-modality therapies to treat esophageal cancers, such as chemotherapy, external or intraluminal radiation therapy, which help patients regain their ability to eat, improve the quality of life, and decrease the tumor size, thus creating the conditions necessary for complete removal of the tumor in difficult and neglected cases.

The Department is the site for clinical trials and studies that comply with international research protocols and focus on the newest drugs and most advanced treatment techniques. The Department holds several patents for proprietary techniques of treatment of malignant neoplasms of intrathoracic organs.

The Department is headed by Professor Evgeniy V. Levchenko,, D.Sc.in Medicine, Head of the thoracic oncology research division.

Physicians of the Department:

Dr Aleksey S. Barchuk, D.Sc. in Medicine, professor, highest qualification category, principal researcher at the thoracic oncology research division

Dr Vladimir G. Lemekhov, D.Sc. in Medicine, professor, honored physician of the Russian Federation

Dr Mark L. Gelfond, D.Sc. in Medicine, professor, highest qualification category, senior researcher at the thoracic oncology research division

Dr Aleksandr E. Mikhnin, D.Sc. in Medicine, leading researcher at the thoracic oncology research division, highest qualification category

Dr Stepan M. Ergnyan, PhD in Medicine, senior researcher at the thoracic oncology research division, highest qualification category

Dr Nikolay Yu. Aristidov, PhD in Medicine, Docent, highest qualification category

Dr Oleg Yu. Mamontov, PhD in Medicine, oncologist, researcher

Dr Nikita E. Levchenko, PhD in Medicine, oncologist

Dr. Nikolay V. Khandogin, oncologist, surgeon

Dr Roman I. Yurin, oncologist, surgeon

All surgical procedures are performed by physicians who have the highest qualification category and extensive experience in thoracic surgical oncology.

The specialists of the Department provide training to clinicians and researchers from other healthcare facilities in Russia and the member states of the Commonwealth of Independent States, and run workshops on how to treat cancers at various body sites.

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