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Department of breast cancer surgery

The Department of Breast Cancer Surgery of the N.N. Petrov National Medical Research Center of Oncology specializes in offering conventional and high-tech treatment of breast cancer.

The Department is unique in that it has the capabilities of providing all types of cancer therapies within a single inpatient facility. Years of practical experience have helped the Department to develop a patient-oriented approach to diagnosing and treating breast cancer in line with the world industry standards.

The inpatient combination treatment of patients with breast cancer offered by the Department includes:

  • Surgical therapy, radiation therapy and medical therapy of benign and malignant conditions of the breast
  • All types of breast reconstructive surgeries – plastic and reconstructive procedures, and cosmetic procedures
  • Chemotherapy with hair loss prevention, bisphosphonate therapy, systemic medication

The Department provides medical care and consultation services to more than 22,000 patients annually. High qualification of the Department’s physicians, unique research capabilities and cutting-edge equipment allow the Department to provide best diagnostic and treatment services to its patients.

Organ-preserving breast cancer treatment

We are proud to have been the first cancer treatment canter in the world to suggest and demonstrate clinical feasibility of preoperative therapy of breast cancer.

We were the first Russian cancer center to implement the practice of sentinel lymph node biopsy, which allows to perform sparing surgical interventions. More than 30% of all surgeries are combined with sentinel lymph node biopsy.

Sparing breast cancer treatment involves radical removal of the tumor, but spares the mammary gland and ensures its aesthetic appearance, volume and structure.

Breast reconstruction for cancer patients after mastectomy

The Department is headed by Dr Petr V. Krivorotko, D.M.Sc., leading researcher.

Physicians of the Department:

Dr Konstantin Yu, Zernov, PhD in Medicine

Dr Ruslan M. Paltuev, PhD in Medicine

Dr Olga A. Ivanova, PhD in Medicine

Dr Elena K. Zhiltsova, PhD in Medicine

Dr Tengiz T. Tabagua, PhD in Medicine

Dr Kirill S. Nikolaev, PhD in Medicine

Dr Tatiana A. Belousova, PhD in Medicine

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