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Rehabilitation medicine department

Cancer rehabilitation is a program designed to achieve either a complete or partial restoration of the physical function diminished by the disease.

Rehabilitation starts once the diagnosis has been established and it continues at all stages of cancer treatment and beyond it.

At the N.N. Petrov National Medical Research Centre of Oncology rehabilitation of cancer patients is viewed as an integral part of the health care services provided by the Center to all its cancer patients. The Center uses a multidisciplinary and innovative approach aimed at improving the quality of life of its patients.

Сотрудники отделения реабилитации

Cancer rehabilitation at the Center is available:

  • before and after surgical therapy and/or radiation therapy
  • during and after systemic medical therapy
  • to patients who are having their regular check-ups to monitor the disease or are in remission

Before rehabilitation could begin, all patients should undergo a comprehensive examination of their body functions and structure, using the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health.

The Department is headed byDr Tatiana Yu. Semiglazova, D.Sc in Medicine.

Physicians of the Department:

Dr Kristina O. Kondrateva, clinical psychologist

Dr Anton A. Krutov, oncologist, chemotherapist

Dr Svetlana G. Nazarova, occupational therapist

Dr Yuri A. Tolokonnikov, physical therapist

Dr Margarita A. Tynkasova (Zernova), exercise physiologist

All the specialists of the Department are highly-qualified specialists who are members of leading professional organizations, such as the Russian Society of Clinical Oncology, the American Society of Clinical Oncology, and the European Society for Medical Oncology.

Outside consulting specialists (from other departments):

Dr Margarita V. Vagaytseva, clinical psychologist

Dr Oleg V. Zaozerskiy, oncologist, urologist

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